Call for Proposals

Cahiers PROTAGORAS n° 12

Alternative Mediatization of Politics : Self-Media, Web TV, and Opinion Channels


The rapid evolution of the contemporary media landscape has given rise to novel forms of political broadcasting, exemplified by the emergence of self-media (Thérond, 2020), web TV (Marty et al., 2022), and opinion TV channels (DellaVigna & Kaplan, 2007). These media categories, alongside their so-called ‘mainstream’ counterparts, have assumed pivotal roles in political communication. They play a crucial part in the transformation and consolidation of political identities, as well as in establishing alternative spaces for political socialization (Shehata & Strömbäck, 2021).

A crucial aspect of this alternative mediatization process lies in the introduction of new interpretative frameworks for news treatment. These alternative perspectives significantly influence both agenda-setting (van der Pas et al., 2017; Gilardi et al., 2022) and the framing of political information (Entman, 2007; Theviot, 2019), thereby amplifying the polarization process (Lits, 2009). Similarly, political influencer networks active on various platforms supporting candidates (Riedl, M., et al., 2021; Wasike, 2023), or the growing availability of partisan mobile applications aimed at circumventing ‘Big Tech’ censorship (Quevedo-Redondo et al., 2021), also contribute to the fragmentation of the online media landscape.

The forthcoming issue of the Cahiers Protagoras invites authors to delve into the mechanisms by which the (ideological) monopoly of information is circumvented and challenged (Wettstein, et al., 2018). Another objective is to comprehend the mediagenic strategies deployed by political actors — mediagénie, defining their inclination to “achieve their full potential by choosing the media partner that suits them best” (Marion, 1997). Evaluating the mediativity [médiativité] of these new political communication mechanisms (each medium possessing a ‘specific imaginary’) is another potential area for analysis. Finally, an examination of moderation and regulation practices specific to these emerging media spaces is anticipated.


Proposals (in Word or PDF format) should include:

  1. In a separate file: name, professional or academic status, institutional affiliation, contact details of the author(s) (e-mail and postal addresses).
  2. The text should not exceed 25 000 characters (footnote, spaces and references included)
  3. The title of the article (maximum 180 characters including spaces): Times New Roman, size 12, bold and centred.
  4. The name of the writer: Times New Roman, size 12, not bold and centred.
  5. A reference note about the writer should follow the name. This note should be composed of two to three lines of biographical notes on the writer.
  6. The text is to be entirely written in Times New Roman size 12, justified, without indentation nor stylistic effect.
  7. Space between lines in the document should be: 1.5.
  8. Margin: 2.5 cm on all sides. Standard layout.
  9. Section headings can eventually be bolded and justified on the left.
  10. Titles should not be numbered or organized.
  11. Ensure to always define all the abbreviations used in the text.
  12. Delete all bullet points. The text should be made of complete sentences only.
  13. Use synonyms as often as possible to avoid repetitive wording.
  14. Reduce the number of footnotes to its minimum.
  15. Delete all double (or triple) spaces between words.
  16. Verify all quotes in the article, as well as the spelling of proper names.
  17. Numbers from zero through nine should be spelt out. Digits should be used after that.
  18. Centuries are written as such: 17th century, 18th century, etc.
  19. Quotes that are shorter than four lines should be placed between quotation marks and stay in the body of the text.
  20. Quotes that are longer than four lines should be placed between quotation marks, indented from the body of the text. The quote should, however, remain in Times New Roman size 12.
  21. Referencing sources are directly in the body of the text (i.e. not in footnotes) and presented in this way: (Mayeur 2017: 1) or (Lallemand 2004b: 234).
  22. After the body of the text, the title References (in bold, justified to the left) starts the list of complete references.
    • For a book: Heller-Roazen Daniel, The Enemy of All: Piracy and the Law of Nations, New York, Zone Books, 2009.
    • For an article: McKim Richard, “Socratic Self-Knowledge and ‘Knowledge of Knowledge’ in Plato’s Charmides”, Transactions of the American Philological Association, vol. 115, 1985, pp. 59-77.
    • For an online source: Ponzi Mario, “Hidden refusal. Name and Sprachmagie in Benjamin’s theory of language”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 2014, vol. 8, no.2, pp. 253-264. Online:


Proposals should be submitted electronically by 3rd May 2024, to the following email address:

Following a double-blind review process by the scientific committee, the organizing committee will provide feedback to the authors by 3rd June 2024.


DellaVigna, S., & Kaplan, E. (2007). The Fox News Effect: Media Bias and Voting. The Quarterly journal of economics, 122(3), 1187‑1234.

Entman, R. M. (2007). Framing Bias: Media in the Distribution of Power. Journal of communication, 57(1), 163‑173.

Gilardi, F., Gessler, T., Kubli, M., & Müller, S. (2022). Social Media and Political Agenda Setting. Political communication, 39(1), 39‑60.

Lits, M. (2009). La médiatisation du politique ou le passage d’un espace public délibératif à un espace public symbolique narratif. A contrario, 12, 85-100. 

Marion, P. (1997). Narratologie médiatique et médiagénie des récits. Recherches en communication, 

Marty, E., Ouakrat, A. & Pacouret, J. (2022). De Valeurs actuelles à VA+ : l’appropriation des formats et des logiques des réseaux socio-numériques par un média d’extrême droite. Quaderni, 107, 99-122. 

Quevedo-Redondo, R., Navarro-Sierra, N., Berrocal-Gonzalo, S., & Gómez-García, S. (2021). Political Leaders in the APP Ecosystem. Social sciences (Basel), 10(8), 307-.

Riedl, M., Schwemmer, C., Ziewiecki, S., & Ross, L. M. (2021). The Rise of Political Influencers—Perspectives on a Trend Towards Meaningful Content. Frontiers in Communication, 

Shehata, A., & Strömbäck, J. (2021). Learning Political News from Social Media: Network Media Logic and Current Affairs News Learning in a High-Choice Media Environment. Communication research, 48(1), 125‑147.

Thérond, F. (2020). « Je suis le tribun-poète » : Jean-Luc Mélenchon ou la politique comme esthétique. Communication & langages, 203, 45-61. 

Theviot, A. (2019). Faire campagne sur Youtube : une nouvelle « grammaire » pour contrôler sa communication et influer sur le cadrage médiatique ?. Politiques de communication, 13, 67-96. 

van der Pas, D. J., van der Brug, W., & Vliegenthart, R. (2017). Political Parallelism in Media and Political Agenda-Setting. Political communication, 34(4), 491‑510.

Wasike, B. (2023). I Am an Influencer and I Approve This Message! Examining How Political Social Media Influencers Affect Political Interest, Political Trust, Political Efficacy, and Political Participation. International journal of communication (Online), 17, 3110-.

Wettstein, M., Esser, F., Schulz, A., Wirz, D.S., & Wirth, W. (2018). News Media as Gatekeepers, Critics, and Initiators of Populist Communication: How Journalists in Ten Countries Deal with the Populist Challenge. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(4), 476–495.


Nicolas Baygert– IHECS-Protagoras, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) & Sciences Po Paris

Baptiste Buidin – IHECS-Protagoras Research Fellow

François Debras – Université de Liège (ULG) & Haute Ecole Libre Mosane (HELMo)

Thierry Devars – CELSA/Paris-Sorbonne (France)

Charles Devellennes – University de Kent (United Kingdom)

Philippe Dubois – École nationale d’administration publique (ENAP) (Québec)

Esther Durin – IHECS-Protagoras & Université Paul-Valéry (France)

Mohamed Fahmi – Paris 8/Paris Nanterre & Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

Adrien Jahier ­­­– IHECS-Protagoras Research Fellow

Stavros Kaperonis – Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece)

IsabelleLe Breton-Falezan – CELSA/Paris-Sorbonne (France)

Élise Le Moing-Maas – IHECS-Protagoras & Université Rennes 2 (France)

Loïc Nicolas – IHECS-Protagoras Research Fellow

Alvaro Oléart – Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Gisela Reiter – FHWien der WKW, University of Salzburg & University of Vienna

John Vandenhaute – IHECS-Protagoras

Jan Zienkowski – Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)